Frequently Asked Questions

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a time-tested, holistic medicine that can help to decrease pain and restore function. It is also helpful for internal conditions like anxiety, GI problems, fertility, thyroid, allergies, and much more. Science is only beginning to grasp the powerful medicine that is Acupuncture and understand the mechanisms behind it. At Alleviate Acupuncture and Wellness, we relieve pain with acupuncture and help you live a happier and fuller life. 

How many acupuncture sessions will I need?

A typical series of sessions consists of 10 to 20 visits, once or twice a week. Acute conditions (experienced 1 month or less) generally require less time, whereas more chronic complex conditions may require several months.

Does acupuncture hurt?

There is an initial pinch when the very small needle is inserted although it is very mild in comparison to larger needles used in hospitals and western medical doctor offices. Some patients say that some points produce that pinch while in other locations they barely feel anything at all.

Are the needles used again? Are they sterile?

The needles are contained in sterilized wrapping and are only used once. Most practitioners use a guide tube so that their hands never touch the portion of the needle that enters their skin. After the treatment, all needles are safely disposed of in a biohazard container.

What do I wear for treatment?

Depending on the area of the body being treated will determine how you prepare. Often, you’ll undress to your undergarments, which are covered with a sheet, and only the treatment areas are exposed. Sometimes when treating the extremities, shorts and a tank top will be all that’s needed.

 What should I do before and after treatment?

It is best to have had something to eat and plenty of water before treatment. After a session, it is recommended that you avoid vigorous exercise and just stick to moderate movements like walking or gentle yoga. It is also best to avoid alcohol as this can take away the benefits of your treatment as they are still setting in overnight.

Will my insurance cover acupuncture?

It is best to check with your insurance carrier on if they cover acupuncture, whether it is before or after your deductible and if they work with out-of-network providers. While we do not bill insurance companies directly, we can provide you with a complimentary insurance-coded superbill for you to receive a reimbursement.

Do I have to “believe in acupuncture” for it to work?

Absolutely not. This is a medical technique that has been used for thousands of years to modulate the body’s systems. It is not a religion or spiritual practice. You do not have to believe in energy work of any kind. It’s a medical practice, plain and simple. Nowadays you can find acupuncture offered in the most respected hospitals across the world.

Individual Payment Plans for Individualized Care

True medical providers know that a patient’s condition cannot be diagnosed over the phone. To provide the best level of care, first-time patients are asked to come in for a detailed consultation where we discuss their current condition (including duration, severity, previous medical interventions, and prognosis), and take the time to understand your desired results and treatment goals. We will also use this time to discuss custom treatment plans unique to your medical need and any associated costs. We offer flexible financing plans for those who need immediate care and also offer community-style acupuncture for individuals who would like to experience the healing properties of this treatment at a fraction of the cost.

This is our continued commitment to creating a safe and inclusive space that makes healing accessible to everyone.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss further.